Wednesday 28 March 2012

And I learnt to Drive....

I was meeting my college friends after a long time and they asked me the same question..."You still have wagon R?? Girl  u really love your car!!". I looked back at my Golden Wagon R nd smiled at it, the meaning of which only my car could  understand .

Going back in time ..I was in class 11 and my mum asked me to learn driving so that by the time i would have a proper license i would know how to drive properly. All geared up and enthusiastic I went to motor driving school and enrolled myself ,to top it all my brother who was in class 9 also enrolled with me. I thought the more the merrier and I wouldn't be bored. I remember that night before going to bed all i could think of -- how  cool would it be to go to college driving your own car(which never happened).

The next morning as soon as the clock stuck 6 i was all ready for my class at 6:30. To my surprisse i wasnt aware of the term sibling rivalry.. jealousy..envy... till that time.. it was only when my class ended at 7:00 and my brother's class started at 7:00  I learnt the meaning of all the before mentioned words(will come up to their definition in a short while)

On first day we were just acquainted with what is ABC in a car and how to start your car in first gear and leave the clutch slowly.When i tried doing it for the first time.. i couldn't do it.. i just couldn't do it ...the car would keep on getting switched off. My instructor said "Its ok.. it happens everytime a student takes the car in their hands for the first time" .

On Second day also I still couldn't do it . As soon as the watch showed 7 I was more then happy that the ordeal was finally over and now i can relax and sit on the back seat while just like me my brother would now embarrass himself. As soon as my brother sat on the driver's seat "Broom" and he moved the car very smoothly and changed the gears as well . I was so envious of him i so wanted to do the same-thing yet I couldn't do it.It was the third day in class and to my dismay I still couldn't move the car in first gear... that damn car would just keep on getting off and off and still not move, to top it all my brother who now thought of himself as some PRO in driving was giving me more instruction from the back seat then the instructor himself and he gave that mocking laughter in between . I remember wanting to tear of the clutch and just beat the car with hammer. I now knew the meaning of the word jealousy very clearly.

Needless to add the same thing continued till the end of fifteen days the outcome being my BRO became a PRO and i just managed to pick up the car in first gear. The term sibling rivalry in driving had a new meaning from that day on-wards. I tried to learn driving car one more time but I just didn't believe that I can drive a car at all I just gave it up . See the thing was because of the failure to drive car I never asked my dad to drop me anywhere... I showed it to him I manage very well without driving a stupid car and life is much easier with a scooty but deep within I so wanted to drive a car.

The real problem came when my sister got married and I had to depend on my brother for transportation. My brother sometimes sweetly and sometimes angrily would drop me and pick me from all the places  One day I had a major fight with my brother and he told me "you are so useless and spineless... if you want to go anywhere just take the keys and go. Don't bother me "

I felt helpless and furious at the same time. I just picked up the car keys and sat inside my Wagon -R. I cried nonstop and told the car.. from now on I am going to drive you and now you are going to listen to me. To my surprise more out of impulse I just pushed in the keys and started the car.. I pushed it in first gear and voila my car was moving... I was driving at a speed of 20km/h and I heard my car (or myself) say just increase the speed a little bit more... and I did and it was all right. In some strange ways my car was talking to  myself and giving me all the directions. That was the day I connected with my car and  fell in love with it.

I again enrolled myself at a driving school but this time i was driving the car perfectly  from day 1 and My instructor just kept on telling me "Madam you already know how to drive a car, why are you learning it again". My point of going to driving school was just to give my parents that safety net and to learn driving a car so that I don't do any mishap with my Wagon R.

My wagon R took a lot of scratches on itself and helped me learn driving . It also helped me understand two things one your siblings really do want best for you(hard to believe though... but it is only and only coz of my bro  i know driving lol) and secondly its OK to fall and get up fall and get up just don't give up.

To me Wagon- R isn't just a car she is more like a friend... I have attended a lot of parties with it on my side. I have joined my jobs and in some cases quit along with the help of my wagon R ... I have gone on quite a lot of dates coz of my wagon R(I hope my bro doesn't read it)...Like a true friend it has heard my heartbroken cries and shared my infectious laughter. Iit has been a victim of my anger and a partner in lot of crimes.

So just remember mera pyaar wagon R... and next time you see a girl driving a golden Wagon R speeding up to the limit and listening to the songs with highest decibel possible remember she is the girl who loves her wagon R. :)

P.S. -- would write about times of trouble and Wagon - R soon


  1. Very nice Deepti. We do get attached with somethings and do not want to let go. I too have a story (not same and not similar, but a story), of my laptop. Wish I may someday be able to write like you.
    Keep writing!!

  2. WOW!!! Girl you really know how to give words to your feelings. We all have attachments with these non-living things just like friends but not everyone can put up these sentiments in this witty way like u do.
    Keep It Up.

  3. good...u r my inspiration too

  4. helloooo.....this car is my love toooo :).......u have long way to go in writing......i read it just after i woke up n started my day laughing ....gr8 keep posting regular..

  5. hahahah really nice... ur work is so fresh and unlike other blogs dat i read dese days...i dosent crave for admiration...its just pure thoughts jotted down... dats d way girl...wont say write more...i wud rather say...write wen u feel like writing :)

  6. Hihihaha... thnx 4 tht...I can torture u even more now... wid the publicised excuse of "Wanting better things for you" :P
    It's a nice start... but don't worry...I'll lead you to better writing skills as well. :)
    and abt... lot of dates... Hmmm.... >:|
